Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care in Queensland
Are you considering becoming qualified to be a part of the Queensland early childhood education and care sector? Then look no further than the Australian College of Teacher Aides and Childcare’s CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. This diploma of early childhood education offered by ACTAC has been developed to be delivered affordably and effectively through an online format.
It is the newest nationally recognised diploma in early childhood education for those looking to advance their careers and become better early childhood educators. So if you are in Queensland and this sounds like the course for you, read on to find out more about our early childhood qualifications!
Every enrolment in this course with the Australian College of Teacher Aides and Childcare helps facilitate children completing the Act for Kids protective behaviors program in schools nationwide. ACTAC and Act for Kids have collaborated to combine decades of industry leading childhood research to produce its Nationally Recognised qualifications. As a social enterprise we are proud to offer industry leading qualifications backed by the best in the industry that gives back to community.
ACTAC is a proud member of the
Queensland Social Enterprise Council
Queensland Social Enterprise Limited (QSEC) exists to support a vibrant, innovative and capable social enterprise sector in Queensland that is sufficiently resourced to achieve high social, cultural and environmental impact.

Why complete a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care?
The Australian College of Teacher Aides and Childcare’s diploma of early childhood education and care in Queensland is a nationally recognised qualification. This qualification will provide you with the necessary skills to work as an educator or childcare worker in the Queensland early childhood sector and transfer those skills anywhere in Australia.
The qualification has been endorsed by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as a nationally recognised qualification that meets their standards for educators that can work as leaders in educational programs.
Completing a diploma of early childhood education and care is also an excellent way to bridge yourself into university for those wanting to become fully-fledged teachers or attain a bachelor-level qualification in early childhood education.

Many students undertake this course because they want to work with young children and help them learn through play.
Children learn through play. Their curiosity drives them to explore new ways of thinking, discovering new thoughts and ideas through discovery. They use the world around them as a source of endless learning opportunities, exploring their environment and interacting with others.
Young children need guidance and support in these early stages of learning until they develop confidence in their abilities and can take risks independently. A teacher’s role is to provide children with opportunities for meaningful interaction with adults and other children by stimulating environments that encourage young learners’ exploration, investigation and creativity.
After completing the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, it will be your job to guide children through those areas mentioned above and many others.

Affordable, Online, and Flexible.
ACTAC is an online-only Registered Training Organisation RTO, which means that our diploma of early childhood education and all our other courses are designed with the modern, online learner in mind. It means that wherever you may live in Queensland, you will be able to undertake a cost-effective and nationally recognised course that will allow you to have a career in early childhood education.
ACTACs flexible course structure allows students to study at their own pace. Students can balance their work-life-study commitments, ensuring they do not need to sacrifice any part of their lives to attain an education.
ACTAC can deliver the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education for such a low price because we operate as a social enterprise and we are a member of the Queensland Social Enterprise Council. By acting as a social enterprise, we put our profits into developing our courses and course material. This brings costs down and drives up the quality of the courses, giving students the best outcomes from their studies which then passes on the benefit to Queensland children.
Individuals who enrol with ACTAC for their diploma in early childhood education can rest assured that they are receiving the best bang for the buck compared to any other RTO who delivers the same qualification.

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is a qualification that is highly regarded in the Queensland early childhood education sector. The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and care gives students the necessary knowledge and skills to work as early childhood educators within providers such as kindergartens or childcare centres.
The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care comprises 15 units of study. It is a self-paced, online-only course that can take up to 18 months to complete, and ACTAC also provides the option of a six-month extension at a set fee of $299.
Successful completion of the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care also requires students to complete a total of 280 hours of work placement in a suitable location of the students choosing. While the student can find their work placement, ACTAC has the final say on its suitability for the course.
Some of the topics covered in the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care include:
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice
- Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
- Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing
Graduates of the diploma of early childhood education and care can expect to find themselves suitable for many different roles within the Queensland early childhood education sector. Some of these are:
- Educational leader in a service
- Lead kindergarten educator
- Lead pre-school educator
- Nominated supervisor at a service
ACTAC offers the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care for the highly competitive price of just $1299! You will not find a more affordable or better quality online diploma of early childhood education anywhere else in Queensland!

ACTAC also offers the Dual Qualification in Early Childhood Education!
For those who have not yet got their foot in the door with a qualification in early childhood education and care, ACTAC also offers the CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. Most recently, ACTAC launched their dual qualification CHC30121+CHC50121 in early childhood education and care.
This dual qualification in early childhood education and care is perfect for those looking for the complete package to launch their career in the early childhood education sector in Queensland. Having a dual qualification puts you ahead of those who have only met one or the other, giving your resume the boost to put your name ahead of the pack and join the workforce sooner! Students who complete the dual qualification in early childhood education and care will save money and time.

We hope this post has helped you make an informed choice about this course and your future career! If you would like to know more about the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, do not hesitate and contact ACTAC on 1300 511 455 or at enquiries@actac.com.au to speak with one of our friendly support members or organise a chat with one of our trainers to see if this is the right course for you!