
Course Completion Policy

Course Completion Policy


We at the College have a learner-centred approach and support our learners in the process of their professional learning as well as the completion of their qualifications.

In supporting our College’s learners we recognise that before or on their completion date, where a learner has:

  1. Submitted all applicable theory assessments and awaiting marking of one or two theory assessment units
  2. Completed and submitted for marking the Placement Booklet as required by the College or has been submitted and is close to being completed to the best of the learner’s ability, and
  3. Completed and submitted for marking the other Work or Field Placement requirements

We at the College recognise that the process of finalisation towards Graduation involves checking many requirements.

Many of these involve other parties outside the College. As such, at times this can take longer than we at the College would like.

One possible example of such an occurrence is schools being on Holidays and thus prolonging the possibility of Reference check calls with the supporting placement supervisor from Trainer at the College, or a supervisor being on holiday or otherwise unavailable.

Under such circumstances, where the College is processing completion to Graduation and are unable to do so due to circumstances beyond our control, as a result the College would not disadvantage the learner by requiring them to purchase any extension towards their completion. This granted extension is in accordance with the extension/deferral policy.

If a learner does not fall into the above category and requires an extension, they will need to apply for a 6-month extension at an additional cost of $299. Please refer to the extension/deferral policy.


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