Withdrawal of Enrolment and Refund Policy

Withdrawal of Enrolment and Refund Policy


The Policy was formulated cognisant of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015).


The policy is applicable to all learners and/or prospective learners enrolling into courses offered by the College


The College understands that at times, things do not always go to plan and the learner may find themselves in the position of being unable to continue on with their training. Where a learner withdraws from their course for any reason, the following conditions will apply:

  • Whilst we encourage learners to complete their qualification, learners may withdraw their enrolment at any time.
  • The learner must complete the Enrolment Withdrawal Form available from the College website or request by emailing the college administration
  • Upon receipt of a completed enrolment withdrawal form, the learner’s enrolment will be withdrawn as at the date received and acknowledged by return email.
  • Where a learner withdraws their enrolment within the 14-day cooling off period, the learner will be entitled to a full refund of fees
  • If the withdrawal is completed and submitted outside of the 14-day cooling off period, course fees will be charged in accordance with the student’s preferred payment method.

The College may suspend or withdraw a learner’s enrolment on the following grounds:

  • Breach of any of the College’s policies or procedures
    • Inappropriate or disrespectful communication with members of staff or students
    • Breaching the College’s Code of Conduct
    • Misuse of property associated with or belonging to the College
    • Unauthorised use of college property or information
    • Engaging in disruptive, threatening or bullying behaviours
    • Use of generative AI, plagiarism, cheating or collusion
    • Dishonoured payments
    • Has made or makes false or misleading statements
    • Any other reason where the College holds a genuine belief that the student is not acting in a way consistent with its terms and conditions of enrolment or the student code of conduct

Where the College has reason to believe the student has engaged in conduct that breaches the terms and conditions of enrolment, the Code of Conduct or any item mentioned above, the College may in its absolute discretion suspend that student’s enrolment. The college will undertake an investigation into the conduct of the student and inform the student of the outcome of that investigation. Depending on the seriousness of issue the college will consider whether to apply one of the following outcomes:

  • Written Warning
  • Show Cause
  • Withdrawal of enrolment

Where the College intends to withdraw a learner’s enrolment, the College will provide notice of the intended withdrawal in writing including the reason for the withdrawal. The learner is further advised when the withdrawal has been affected.

Where the College has withdrawn the enrolment of a learner, there will be no refund of fees regardless of their enrolment pattern.

Upfront Fee Paying Learners

  • Where the learner has paid for their course in full at the time of enrolment and chooses to withdraw from the course within 14 days (cooling off period) of the date of enrolment a full refund is available.
  • Where the learner has paid for their course in full at the time of enrolment and chooses to withdraw from the course 14 days or more (outside the cooling off period) from the date of enrolment no refund is available.
  • Where the learner’s enrolment is not approved by the College, for example, where the learner holds a visa that does not allow study in Australia or the time remaining on the learner’s visa is not adequate to complete the training a full refund is available.
  • Refunds do not apply to fees associated with course extensions.

Payment plans

  • Where a learner is on a payment plan and chooses to withdraw from the course within 14 days (cooling off period) of enrolment a refund is available.
  • Where a learner is on a payment plan and chooses to withdraw from the course 14 days or more (outside the cooling off period) from the date of enrolment a $200 administration fee is payable. Remaining direct debits will be cancelled once the administration fee is paid.

Requesting of Refund

All requests for refunds of fees must be made by completing the Enrolment Withdrawal Form available from the College website or requesting the form by emailing the college administration

Approvals to grant refunds outside of the above conditions will be at the discretion of the CEO


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