
National Qualifications

ACTAC’s Nationally
Recognised Qualifications

ACTAC only provides qualifications on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) a policy created by the Department of Education and Training.

Nationally Recognised Qualifications

The AQF is a policy created by the Department of Education and Training to regulate qualifications in Australia to ensure a national standard. In 1995 the AQF was introduced to provide a framework for the provision of higher and vocational education and training. The AQF is a ratified policy by the Commonwealth as well as all State and Territory governments. AQF LevelsThe below infographic provides an overview of the levels of qualifications on the AQF.

ACTAC provides qualifications from Level 3 to Level 5 on the AQF.

ACTAC encourages students to make informed decisions about their study objectives.

You can search the courses provided by ACTAC by going to the Department of Education and Training’s YourCareer website.

By using your course code, for example CHC30221 (for the Certificate III in School Based Education Support, https://www.yourcareer.gov.au/learn-and-train/courses/CHC30221) you can search for approved providers of courses on the Australian Qualifications Framework.

ACTAC is an online only educator. Because we are an online only educator we do not have large, expensive training facilities to maintain. Instead of investing in buildings we employ the industries best trainers to be available 7 days a week. Our trainers are not only qualified adult educators but also qualified school teachers with a minimum of a Bachelor of Education qualification. ACTAC is able to use industry leading learning tools and content to facilitate education at an affordable and accessible price.

Australian Qualifications Framework


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