Childcare Snapshot
After slowing down during the pandemic and with many centres having to close their doors due to low attendance, the childcare industry is getting back to business as usual in Australia. Due to how pivotal early childhood education is for the development of children, it is growing both in size and importance. Given this importance it is also imperative that the right people are put in place to implement the educational programs and it has never been easier than now to be a part of a child’s education. With only a certificate III required to get your foot in the door with most childcare centres, in a relatively short amount of time and for a respectable price, you can gain the skills necessary to join an ever expanding and rewarding career.

The importance of childcare
During the first five years, especially those from birth until the age of three, are the most important time for a child’s growth. During this time 90% of brain development occurs and between the ages of 2 and 4, a child’s vocabulary will quadruple in size. An early education setting provides the structure and framework for much of this development to occur. In this environment, children are encouraged to play with their peers which helps them to improve their empathy and cooperation, skills which are useful throughout life. Interacting with their peers also allows children to learn how to make friends throughout their lives. Children’s time in early education is the first real occasion where they have been away from home and family, allowing them to develop independence and to become accustomed to a routine that will support their transition into school. While early childhood education is tremendously important for a child, negative experiences during these formative years of a child’s growth can cause serious harm, which can lead to emotional and behavioural issues later in life.

Facts and figures
At this present time, childcare services in Australia employ 193,000 people across 13,519 businesses. In the March quarter of 2020, 1,376,470 children along with 986,000 families attended a childcare centre, and during that same period, 13,370 government approved childcare services were operating in Australia. Factors such as staff to child ratios, more government funding, a growing population, and both parents being required to work, are driving growth in the childcare industry.
Many of the workers in the industry have attained a certificate 3 in early childhood education and care, which then opens the door to jobs such as a childcare assistant, childcare worker, outside school hours aide, and as a nanny. These jobs can be carried out in a variety of places which of course include childcare centres and early learning centres, but also in hospitals, offices, and outside school hours care. The average wage for a childcare worker in Australia is $23.84 per hour and is set by the Children Services Award that is published by the Fair Work Commission. After completing a certificate III, you will provide children with education and care, help develop educational programs, work with other educators, and will work closely with families and the community.

How to be successful
While appropriate qualifications are necessary to give you the knowledge and skills to work in early childhood, other qualities which will make you an exceptional educator are being a good communicator, respecting children and families, having organisational skills, being creative and energetic to consistently engage the children, and perhaps most importantly being passionate, authentic, and to love learning. Other important skills to have for the industry are teamwork, problem solving, stress tolerance, and emotional intelligence. Of these, the skills most requested by employers are communication skills and the ability to build effective relationships. Building relationships with the children and their families is key in delivering quality education, as the best outcomes are achieved when you are able to work in tandem with parents and families. Working with children you also must remember to tap into your inner child and to have just as much fun as they are having.

You can make a difference
Working in childcare you will play an instrumental role in the growth of children during their most developmentally important years. As current research shows, you will be assisting children to establish a sense of self-esteem, resilience, a capacity for learning throughout their lives, and you will be helping to ensure healthy habits for growth. The childcare industry is extremely accessible through the completion of a certificate 3 in early childhood education and care, and you will be able to advance into further education should you desire to do so. With the sector looking to take off again after covid, now s the time to look at a career in childcare.